07-16-17 This message may be viewed live streaming video at www.tabernacleofmoses.org commencing today Sunday at 11:00am, and repeated 24/7 for one week; thereafter, the video, audio, and study notes are archived.

The brightness of our revelations depends upon the correctness of our doctrines (our building blocks)


(Luke 8:30)  And Jesus asked him, saying, What is thy name? And he said, Legion: because many devils [fallen angels, unclean thoughts, evil thoughts] were entered into him.



(Luke 8:30)  And Jesus asked him [the “wild” man of Gad], saying, What is thy name? And he said, Legion [ref: a Roman legion of about 6,000 soldiers]: because many devils [i.e., an indefinite but very great number of devils, i.e., fallen angels, demons, unclean spirits, unclean thoughts] were entered into him [i.e., entered into the “wild” man who is an extreme example of an unsaved man].

1.     (Gen 6:5)  And GOD saw that the wickedness [Heb: evil] of man was great [(like now)] in the earth, and that every [Heb: the whole, all] imagination [Heb: conception: thing framed, (of the) mind] of the thoughts of his heart [mind, will, emotions] was only evil continually. [What was evil? The thoughts.]

a.     Commentary: the latter verse is God’s description of us as natural men with our minds completely full of defiled and defiling unclean spirits, fallen angels, devils, demons (i.e., full of sin) before some of us (and some don’t) become imputed (Gk: to take an inventory: accounted) for righteousness, i.e., before we become born again: first we are born into sin; secondly we are born again into Grace and immediate spiritual warfare.

2.     (2 Cor 10:4,5)  [INNER WARFARE] (For the weapons [the word(s) of God] [a] of our warfare are not carnal [Gk: fleshly], but mighty [Gk: powerful] through God to the pulling down [Gk: destruction] of strong holds [Gk: fortified; a castle (fig. argument)] [i.e., stony places, stony ground, on the rock - Penuel];) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing [prideful thing] that exalteth itself [Gk: raises (itself) up] against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity [Gk: a prisoner of war] every thought [every fallen angel] to the obedience of Christ [b];

a.     (Heb 4:12)  For the word of God is quick [Gk: alive], and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder [Gk: separation] of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner [Gk: discriminative /// a judge] of the thoughts and intents [Gk: thoughtfulness, moral understanding] of the heart [the mind].

b.     Christ = Gk: anointed, the Messiah, a name of Jesus /// through the idea of contact [His word is contact]; to smear or rub with oil, by implication to consecrate to an office or religious service.

3.     (Mark 4:19)  [OUTER WARFARE] And the cares [Gk: distractions] of this world [How many “cares of this world” do you suppose there are?], and the deceitfulness [Gk: delusions] of riches, and the lusts [Gk: longing for what is forbidden] of other things entering in, choke [Gk: strangle completely /// take by the throat] the word [i.e., choke Jesus Christ, the Word of God: John 1:14], and it becometh unfruitful [Gk: barren /// without fruit].

a.     Commentary: “becometh unfruitful” = metaphorically meaning that the word (“The seed is the word of God” Luke 8:11) that is sown “among thorns” (Mark 4:18), i.e., the seed that is sown among fallen angels (symbolized by the thorns – the sinful thoughts) in our mind, the good seed (thoughts) that is sown among the evil seed (thoughts) was once growing upward toward fruitfulness, but now the good seed has ceased growing, i.e., the good seed (thoughts) has ceased becoming (a key word) fruitful. Luke 8:14 has a clarifying rendition: “and bring no fruit to perfection [Gk: to be a bearer to completion (maturity), ripen].

4.     Commentary: Angels [Heb: to dispatch as a deputy; a messenger: ambassador] [Gk: to bring tidings; a messenger] are thoughts dispatched either by God, or thoughts dispatched by Satan [Gk: the devil]. Satan was previously known before his fall from heaven as Lucifer [this name can be found only in the KJV Bible]. Lucifer was an angel of great authority [a] who sought and now still seeks to be equal with God. Lucifer said “I will be like the most High” (Isa 14:14).

a.     (Jude 1:9)  Yet Michael the archangel [Gk: a chief angel], when contending with the devil [Gk: Satan] [with whom] he disputed [“judicially argued” Amplif.] about the body of Moses, durst [Gk: dared] not bring against him [the devil] a railing accusation [“an abusive condemnation” Amplif.], but [simply] said, The Lord rebuke thee.

5.     Commentary: Angels enter into our mind in an invisible but structured form, as thoughts. Good angels are ambassadors (thoughts) sent from God (the God of the cosmos - universe), and evil angels are ambassadors (thoughts) sent from Satan (“the god of this world” 2 Cor 4:4). Legion (fallen angels) is an assemblage of like-minded thoughts or “strong holds” (2 Cor 10:4) sent by Satan. Legion (fallen angels) is an assembled spiritual body of antichrists paralleling the same structural pattern as the spiritual Body of Christ, but opposing the Body of Christ in doctrine through “arguments” (ref: 2 Cor 10:4). Both “bodies” consist of many individual members, each member sharing the same characteristic of like-minded thoughts. However, unlike Legion who is fully spiritually activated by the spirit of Satan, we who are born again are not yet fully spiritually activated because we presently have received onlythe earnest[a] of the Holy Spirit of God.

a.     (2 Cor 1:21,22)  Now he which stablisheth us with you in Christ, and hath anointed us, is God; Who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts. [see “the earnest” in Strong’s G728 appearing only in 2 Cor 1:22; 2 Cor 5:5; Eph 1:14]

                                                             i.      earnest = Gk: a pledge, part of the purchase money or property given in advance as security for the rest.

6.     Commentary: Legion is fully (spiritually) activated and belongs to, and is an ambassador for the body of Satan, which also may be called the body of Antichrist, i.e., against Christ (a vast concept). Legion is countless like-minded Satanic fallen angels (sinful thoughts) assembling or banding together into a fortified castle or strong hold composed of agreeing thoughts. In both opposing spiritual bodies, the seeds of little power (influence) (seed) grow/strengthen into great power (possession) (fruit) as more and more individual like-minded thoughts coalesce, band together, join together, becoming toward a unified whole, i.e., becoming toward One.

a.     (Luke 8:30)  And Jesus asked him, saying, What is thy name? And he said, Legion: because many devils [fallen angels, unclean thoughts, evil thoughts] were entered into him.




